Lorie Doolittle-Bowman, AIA, Emeritus

AIA, Emeritus

Whether she’s designing a winery or preserving a one-room school house, Lorie Bowman brings an appreciation for detail, craftsmanship and color that she credits to artistic parents and their family-owned sign company. It was an environment suffused with paint splatters on old wood, and rich with history.

From early thoughts about a career in commercial art, she turned to architecture with a strong thumbs-up from her father. Lorie graduated from the University of Kansas School of Architecture, then broadened her design spectrum with several years of hands-on exposure to landscape design.

In 1988 she joined Theis Sickbert Associates, a predecessor firm of BBN Architects Inc. She has been a Principal Architect at BBN since 1990. As a lifelong resident of Kansas City, Lorie enjoys projects that enhance the City’s identity and sense of place.

See Lorie Doolittle-Bowman’s résumé