Project Poyntz Avenue Streetscape
As part of Manhattan’s downtown renewal, BBN lead the effort to revitalize Poyntz Avenue, the heart of the Central Business District and what many consider the city’s most recognizable street. A robust planning process that included input from city staff, downtown property owners, and engaged citizens informed the design. Much attention was paid to features that would support an attractive mixed-use district, enhance the street’s ceremonial use as a parade and festival site, and balance the needs of merchants, residents, and patrons.
A host of new street elements, including expanded brick paving, trees, LED luminaires, bicycle parking, and planters provide Poyntz with a fresh look while retaining its historic character. Street intersections feature pedestrian friendly curb extension bulb-outs and brick patterned crosswalks. To further enhance the pedestrian experience, mid-block crossings were added and identified with suspended festival lighting overhead. Raised planters contain native, and low-water use plant varieties. The streetscape project coincided with a resurgence of new restaurants and stores that have made downtown the place to shop and eat.